...watch Arnold Schwarzenegger
Along time ago, I walked passed a magazine while I was conversing with my Angels. A feeling overcame me, resembling a buzzing in my cells along with the sensation of crossing into a parallel Universe. My Angels used this method to signal the importance of something.
I asked my Angels to disclose the uniqueness of the magazine. They told me, I should watch the man on the cover. He was a significant indicator of an important date in my life.
They told me the politics of this country would change forever. It would be when the man on the cover becomes associated with the five most important men in the country.
My Angels gave me a vision of the man in a hierarchy. He was in the third row with many others. I asked questions of his role and title. My Angels used the words Executive, Cabinet, Secretary, Chief, etc. to explain. Those words had different meanings to me as a child and I became confused. Finally, my Angels showed this man rising up to meet one row of men. My Angels revealed them as titled the five most powerful men in America.
My parents were close by, I asked them the name of the man on the cover, and my dad told me it was Arnold Schwarzenegger. He laughed when I told him what my Angels revealed. My dad told me that the weight lifter would never hold office because he was not born in America and our constitution would never allow such an act.
I told teachers and other adults what my Angels had showed me, and they did not believe Arnold would ever hold office. I proceeded to tell all my friends, as they would be an adult when this happened and it would affect them. Ah, they could care less...
I do not remember if Arnold Schwarzenegger was one of the top five. I do know that this country will undergo a fundamental government change when he is associated to the top five in some way.
For some reason, I am remembering that conversation and wondering what in the government will change forever. Hmmm…
I have hopes. My hopes are that all men will view others as their equal. No longer will citizens let men of power mandate dishonorable ideals. A new meaning of politicians, city planners, developers, and others that hold position in management. I hope every person remembers they are first Spirits, then Human and finally Neighbors and rule accordingly.
I asked my Angels to disclose the uniqueness of the magazine. They told me, I should watch the man on the cover. He was a significant indicator of an important date in my life.
They told me the politics of this country would change forever. It would be when the man on the cover becomes associated with the five most important men in the country.
My Angels gave me a vision of the man in a hierarchy. He was in the third row with many others. I asked questions of his role and title. My Angels used the words Executive, Cabinet, Secretary, Chief, etc. to explain. Those words had different meanings to me as a child and I became confused. Finally, my Angels showed this man rising up to meet one row of men. My Angels revealed them as titled the five most powerful men in America.
My parents were close by, I asked them the name of the man on the cover, and my dad told me it was Arnold Schwarzenegger. He laughed when I told him what my Angels revealed. My dad told me that the weight lifter would never hold office because he was not born in America and our constitution would never allow such an act.
I told teachers and other adults what my Angels had showed me, and they did not believe Arnold would ever hold office. I proceeded to tell all my friends, as they would be an adult when this happened and it would affect them. Ah, they could care less...
I do not remember if Arnold Schwarzenegger was one of the top five. I do know that this country will undergo a fundamental government change when he is associated to the top five in some way.
For some reason, I am remembering that conversation and wondering what in the government will change forever. Hmmm…
I have hopes. My hopes are that all men will view others as their equal. No longer will citizens let men of power mandate dishonorable ideals. A new meaning of politicians, city planners, developers, and others that hold position in management. I hope every person remembers they are first Spirits, then Human and finally Neighbors and rule accordingly.